Wednesday, November 8, 2017


     One thing I like to do for fun is rap and listen to music. The music industry is mainly dominated by males. The rap and hip hop industry in specific is mainly dominated by black men. There isn't enough women in the industry that show talent like a lot of the men do and not sure if its because people look for upcoming artist to be male and African American or if its just a coincidence. Either way I believe that women should get more recognition. I also feel like women should be able to make it without having to be like the women shown in the Dream worlds 3 video. They should be noticed for their talent not for what they look like or show. Also, maybe women who may have power in the music industry should seek out more female artist in order to add more feminine feel and influence to the industry to see or make a positive change.


  1. It also feels to me that whenever someone attempts to rap who isn't an African American male they're made fun of or ridiculed for it

  2. I really like how you, as a male, recognize that there is an inequality between being a successful black man compared to a female of any race. Women should have the same equal opportunities to become successful in the music industry not just because of their boobs or ass. If we saw a male rapper was wearing heels and a thong, would that be accepted in society? Or would they just be ridiculed and considered "gay"? I wonder, how we even began associating woman in the music industry to just sex objects.. and not males?

  3. Do you think those currently in power within rap and hop hop are open to making this part of the industry more welcome to women of color?
