Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Dirty Girls Social Club

All of the characters are all quite different. Different personalities and different values, but somehow they make the friendship work. I think my favorite character was probably Rebecca. Rebecca at first is closed off and stuck up, but as the book progresses, you get to know the real her and why she does the things she does. Rebecca is privileged because she has a job, an education, is able bodied, and friends. Although she had to work her way up, she owns her own magazine. She also was blessed with good looks and a perfect figure. One of the ways she is oppressed is that because she is not white or comes from a rich family, her mother in law and father in law both hate her greatly. They believe that she is no good for him and that all she really is, is trash. She is oppressed because of her race.

Yes I think for Rebecca love did conquer all. After she found Andre it was like she was a new person, more confident, and more willing to try new things. I think for so long she just kept quiet and became the perfect wife for Brad because she knew she'd never measure up to who his parents thought would be the perfect wife. Not only that she was raised that there were two things that she should never do, divorce and date a colored man.  She did both and her life turned around. She found a man that loved her and happiness. I think this can be quite realistic. Sometimes you just need the right person to come along and change your mind and that's what happen. She was raised on the belief that she should not date a colored man, and yet it turned out that love is more then just the color of your skin.


  1. Its crazy to think that parents can't be happy for their son just because of the race of the woman he is with. I agree that is a major way that Rebecca experienced oppression. I like how you included her looks and the fact that she is able bodies as privileges for her. I agree that her love is a realistic one and that it just takes the right person to make it true.

  2. I agree with what you say, & I think with Rebecca we can argue that her love did in fact conquer many larges issues she was facing, but I think we also need to recognize that there is problems that love (or anything else for that matter) really can't fix. Things such as the oppression she faces for being a Latino woman, and other societal oppressions.

  3. It's interesting to think about the differences in Rebecca's romantic relationships--what role does race play in the different relationships? And, along with race, economic status? Is there a difference there between Brad and Andre?
