Thursday, September 14, 2017

Feminist Stance

At the beginning of the class feminism to me wasn't just women hating men.  It was women trying to fight to be appreciated to the same extent as men.  And there is no argument saying women can do anything that men can do, because we all know that's not 100% true.  It's about accepting and appreciating everything that women CAN do.  Society and the media depict women as sexual objects but women are so much more.  Which doesn't make sense because how can someone say I consider feminism as not thinking women are entitled to anything but should be appreciated for who they are.

I have come to realize you don't have to be a women to be a feminist.  And that feminism can mean a bunch of different things to different people.  In one of the class discussions, we talked about how feminists can be shown as negative or positive depending on how you're trying to get your point across.  A lot of people would say we need feminism...but do we really?

With the rights that women already possess, they have the power to live great lives.  Many women become very successful without having to play the "I'm a girl" card.  Honestly, just going about your business, trying to better yourself, and working towards your goals could give you satisfaction.  Yea, there are some work places who don't treat women and men the same, but do women really want the same treatment?

One learning goal I have for the remainder of this course is finding out if all women care about feminism?  I'm only asking this because I feel like people can live a life without having to worry about if they're being treated the same as someone else.  Hate to break it to people but LIFE IS NOT FAIR!  I don't expect to be treated like the opposite sex, and I don't want to.  I want to be challenged, and pushed by people.  When something is just handed to someone because of who they are, not what they've done or accomplished, it doesn't make them successful.  Maybe instead of pushing feminism people should just push themselves.


  1. I like your comment about not having to play the "I'm a girl card" because that's definitely just a cop out for not trying, 'pulling' your weight. By pushing feminism, we're acknowledging that we're trying to take the easy way, by wanting things handed to us.

  2. I do agree with you with your argument against women pulling the female card in attempt to be "entitled" to more (this coming from a girl myself), though I disagree with you that feminism is no longer needed. There's still a lot of bias, whether you see it or not. The wage gap (which does still exist btw), women in authoritive positions not taken seriously, and in fact, I read a piece where two people in similar positions switched clients (they were handling them through email) and the guy was able to get more done just because of his male name and gender, because the woman had to spend way more time actually proving to her clients that she was capable of helping them. I suppose the point I'm trying to get across here is that women should NOT have to work harder than a man just to get to the SAME position that he is in. Do you get what I mean?

  3. Like you, I also realized that feminists were not only women but they were also men. I agree and disagree with your statement that people can live without worrying about being treated the same as another person. I agreed and disagreed because I think that it depends on the person, their beliefs, and how they feel towards this topic. I am pretty sure that there are people who are living without having to worry about being treated the same. You asked the question if we really need feminism or not. I think that if we didn't have feminism, women will always be looked down upon because men have always been socially higher than women.

    1. I agree, if we didn't need it, I think it wouldn't be such a hugely discussed issue

  4. You begin to raise important issues about individual treatment and choices we can make as individuals about our lives. One of the things we'll learn in this class is that our society is built on deep structures, so for some folks, they are at a disadvantage because of how those deep structures have privileged others.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like how you mentioned that you realized that all feminist are not just women, because I did not realize that until I grew older too. Also, I like how you brought up that both women and men should work hard for what they want and not just be handed it because of who they are. I think you challenge what and who some feminist are and what they stand for. Not that I agree with how you said what you said, but I understand where you are coming from and your point of view on this topic.I think it brings up good discussion points for our class and makes everyone think a litter harder about what the main point of what feminist do.
