Friday, September 29, 2017

Social Construction of Gender

     After going to a Target this past week and taking a glance around the toy section. It was obvious who the companies were pandering to with their products. Since the girl products were in mostly pink boxes or had fuzzy/ glittery objects attached to the toys. Their toys were mostly dolls and princess costumes. This seems to illustrate that all girls will grow up to be princesses or will have to like glittery and fuzzy objects. Then keeping those products clean so they will still appear as new. Showing the girl how to care for something and dress it. By doing that it already shows the girl as the caregiver to a child or baby.
     As I went down the boys aisle the products and packages switched quickly. The boxes were more bold, and used different shades of blue, yellow, and green. Sometimes the boxes had additional details like flames printed on them. The section had a couple rows dedicated to nerf guns and small sports objects, like mini footballs and basketballs. The boys section seems to help build and reinforce what boys are taught to enjoy. Like playing sports where there is contact with others. Then by playing with the nerf guns showing them to attack others and be competitive.  Also playing with both of the toys shows that they do not need to be clean. Unlike the toys the girls have in their section.
     With the different toys it is already showing us what boys and girls should play with and enjoy. While also making sure they know how to use what the toys are and how they will appear with a child growing up. In order to mold them in their lives. According to what society see`s as normal for that gender.

1 comment:

  1. How do these kind of toys map on to some of the gender norms and roles we discussed in class?
